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An online maths solver ranging from basic maths, algebra, geometry and statistics plus worksheet creator for teachers.

Centre for Innocation in Mathematics Teaching Resources

Hello all Mathematicians. More resources for mathematics.



Mathematics Enhancement Programme (MEP) This has been the Centre’s main focus over the past few years. The Mathematics Enhancement Programme set out to implement in UK schools the findings of international research. As well as detail of the philosophy and style of teaching advocated, there is also a full set of curriculum resources for Primary and Secondary schools, including pupil texts, lesson plans, classroom resources, assessment materials and on-line interactive resources.

Tests and Audits As a result of working on several research projects, CIMT has developed a number materials to test and audit the Mathematical knowledge of both pupils and teachers.  

Topical Applications of Mathematics Resources to provide motivation for mathematics study by emphasing the practical nature of mathematics and its relevance in solving or explaining real world problems and issues.  

Bletchley Park Codes Resources This section contains resources which have been produced jointly by CIMT and the Bletchley Park Codes Centre. They include teacher resource material and interactive activities.  

Databases Some records of athletics results (including Olympic Games) and population statistics.  

Misconceptions Information about common misconceptions in eight mathematical topics.  

Help Modules Help modules for ten mathematical topics.  

Puzzles and Competitions Various mathematical problems and shape related teasers.  

Resources 1 Activities relating Maths to various real-life contexts.  

More Maths Topics More topics relating Maths to real-life contexts.  

Maths Links A guide to other sources of mathematics on the web. 

Introducing The Whiteboard: The elementary math teaching aid using the model method

With The Whiteboard, teaching and learning using the model method has never been easier. The Whiteboard has been designed from the ground up to be used for the model method. It’s interface is clean and simple, and tools and features are kept to a minimum. With less clutter, the focus is on learning and understanding of the model method.

More info:

10 Science Express Project Presentation

Hi, this is a very interesting Maths project that I gave to my students.

Does nature follow a number sequence or pattern

and these are some of their findings.




The 10 Best Maths Teaching Resource Websites

A collection of fantastic teaching resource websites that every maths teacher must have in their bookmarks:

1. TES Connect

Thousands of maths teaching resources available for free download. The resources are rated by their users which ensures the best ones appear at the top of your search. A fantastically useful website.

2. Mathematics Enhancement Programme

A teaching resource for every topic! Pupil text books, practice books, slides to show on your whiteboard, tests and much more on every topic through the primary, secondary and A-level curricula. All available for free download! The secondary school materials have been conveniently organised on our own website which makes it even easier to find and download the resources you are after!

3. NRich Maths

Free interactive teaching resources that are specifically designed to be suitable for an investigative style of teaching. Monthly puzzles really engage pupils as they can submit their solutions through the website and to get them published online the following month. Countdown is a personal favourite. I’ve yet to find a class that can handle Countdown Fractions at level 4!

4. Mr Barton Maths

Set up by an Advanced Skills Teacher whilst on a year-long sabbatical in Australia, this is a fantastic site for finding resources whether you are a teacher, pupil or parent.

5. National STEM Centre

The ‘maths e-library’ houses a brilliant selection of teaching resources including all the SMILE Mathematics cards available for free download.

6. MyMaths

An interactive online lesson and test for every topic taught in secondary school mathematics. Pupils get their own logins and their performance in the topic tests (online homeworks) are recorded so they and the teacher can monitor their progress. The online lessons are very good with nice animations showing topics that are difficult to teach using just a whiteboard such as constructions and 3D coordinates. Subscription required.

7. Ten Tics

A collection of worksheets all organised by level. Brilliant for consolidation lessons where the pupils need to get some practice on what they have previously learned. The coverage of topics is comprehensive making it an invaluable collection of resources to have at hand. Purchase required.

8. Math Salamanders

Free worksheets on a variety of primary and secondary school mathematics topics. More added to the collection all the time. Fantastic!

9. Subtangent

Investigations, games, revision tests and free worksheets. High quality resources on a variety of topics. Not comprehensive but what is there is great.

10. Maths Watch

The best revision resource I currently know about. You can purchase (cheaply) CD ROMs/ DVDs that show short video clips explaining every topic on the Key Stage 3 and 4 curricula. The emphasis is on easy-to-remember techniques with a focus on understanding where the marks are in the exams. Your pupils simply must have a copy of these discs! View a sample of the videos here.


The International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies (IJLLS)

The International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies (IJLLS)

New for 2012…

The International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies (IJLLS) is the offical journal of the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS). WALS is an association of educational researchers and teaching professionals from various countries in the world who are dedicated to educational research that focuses directly on improving the quality of learning in classrooms and other formal learning environments through pedagogical experiments or action research.